Experienced.  Capable.  Qualified.


Expert Personnel

Focus Wildlife is a leader in its field.  Team members have been involved in oil spill response, planning and management worldwide for over 30 years.  Our global expertise encompasses oiled wildlife assessment, deterrence, recovery and rehabilitation, response management, facility development, contingency planning, preparedness and training.  Our personnel are highly experienced and uniquely qualified to competently advise clients and guide them through all aspects of oiled wildlife preparedness and response.

Your team demonstrated that it is possible to mitigate the effects of this environmental challenge and helped reassure those in the local community. Please accept my sincere thanks for your professionalism and effective assistance.
— David C. Coutts, Minister, Alberta


Focus Wildlife's unique expertise is recognized by federal, state and provincial agencies.  We hold and maintain state, provincial and federal permits required for the specialized capture, rehabilitation and release of oiled wildlife.  Permitting is an integral component of wildlife response preparedness and compliance.


Focus Wildlife has contributed to and utilizes internationally recognized best practices as the foundation for providing the best achievable care for oiled wildlife.  Focus Wildlife is also a key contributor to the IPIECA Wildlife Response Preparedness guidance document, and the IPIECA Key Principles for the Protection, Care and Rehabilitation of Oiled Wildlife guidance document.  Focus Wildlife believes a standardized approach protects wildlife resources, enables the Unified Command to focus on other aspects of spill response, and instills confidence in overall wildlife response activities.

MOBILE Resources

Focus Wildlife maintains an extensive inventory of highly specialized oiled wildlife response equipment and supplies, including three search and recovery and assessment vessels, five outfitted response trailers, large capacity holding shelters, and wildlife care, husbandry and veterinary medical supplies and equipment.  These mobile resources are adaptable and efficient and contribute to the success of wildlife response efforts.

indigenous Peoples

Focus Wildlife works closely with First Nations communities.  We respectfully recognize indigenous peoples and their unique knowledge and understanding of their land and resources as integral to the success of wildlife response and planning efforts.  Collaboration and local resource development are key to success.

Response Capacity

Focus Wildlife values collaboration and local resource development in achieving a high level of response capacity, while maintaining world class service provision.

Collaborative approach

  • Focus Wildlife's Primary Response Team members offer an unmatched level of expertise in the field of oiled wildlife response, planning and emergency resource development. Our team consists of highly experienced spill managers and responders, biologists, veterinarians, rehabilitators, researchers, planning specialists, facility technicians and administrators. Language Capacity: English, Swiss German, German, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Italian

  • Focus Wildlife has a pool of Technical Specialists— wildlife professionals with specific training, education and experience that can be activated at any time, based on the specifics and needs of each project or response, including MOUs with environmental consulting firms.

  • Focus Wildlife works under MOUs with local wildlife organizations and NGOs to provide trained Regional Workforce personnel that can participate, under Focus Wildlife supervision, in labor-intensive Wildlife Branch operations.

  • Focus Wildlife is a founding member of GOWRS Global Oiled Wildlife Response System (IOGP/IPIECA OSR-JIP), a professional collaboration of oiled wildlife response organizations around the world that are committed to assisting one another during large wildlife oiling events, when additional professional resources and expertise are required.

Human health and safety

Human health and safety is of utmost importance to Focus Wildlife. Intensive and specific wildlife health and safety trainings are required for all personnel participating in response efforts.  An incident-specific health and safety plan is developed for each response and safety briefings are conducted daily.  Focus Wildlife maintains all required insurance coverage.
